Saturday, April 23, 2011

Derrick Rose...The Best Thing for Chicago Since Jordan?

In my own opinion, I would absolutely say yes to this. Derrick has put on an unbelievable show this year. He has 32 ppg so far in the playoffs this year and is so exciing to watch. He is so crafty wih his ball control. I really enjoy watching him play and I'm very excited to see how he does in the rest of the playoffs. Now obviously I cant't give all the credit to Rose for Chicago's recent success, but I will contribute a large part to him as he is obviously their key player. In my own opinion he is the best guard in the league at the moment and I can't wait to see his skills improve more and more over the years. And yes maybe the Pacers did shut him down in comparison to the rest of his season but let's remember he sprained his ankle and even withr overwhelming defense set against him, he still performed qute well. That is my opinion of Rose and please feel free to comment and let me know of your own thoughts.

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